ソニーワールドフォトグラフィーアワード2024 日本部門賞 第2位
ソニーワールドフォトグラフィーアワード2024 日本部門賞 第2位
” ソニーワールドフォトグラフィーアワード2024 ” において、日本部門賞第2位をいただきました。この場をお借りし、選考委員各位をはじめ 日頃よりご支援いただいている多くの方々にあらためてお礼を申し上げます。
Hajime, H
<Award report>
Sony World Photography Award 2024 Japan National Awards 2nd place
I received 2nd place in the Japan National Awards at the ”Sony World Photography Awards 2024”. I would like to express my gratitude to the selection committee members and the many people who continue to support us.
Last year, my work ”PHOENIX” won 1st place in the National Awards which gave me a ticket to London. Shooting overseas was my starting point, and it was a new challenge for me. I am so
happy that this work taken on the streets of London won 2nd place this year.
Thanks you so much.
Hajime, H